Synthesising Ecological Responses to Degradation in Amazonian Ecosystems


© Eduardo Venticinque

The SYNERGIZE Network is a collaborative research initiative that aims to understand the drivers and distribution of Amazonian terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity.

SYNERGIZE stands for SYNthesising Ecological Responses to deGradation In amaZonian Environments. Although we are a new network, founded in 2020, we already have more than 370 collaborators from more than 110 institutions across 11 countries.

Our growing network is part of the Brazilian Synthesis Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, and currently has >10,000 forest and freshwater sites spread across the Brazilian Amazon region. Our terrestrial fauna datasets have been stored at TAOCA, a database we created to organise, store and standardize large-scale abundance data. 

The Synergize Network is co-led by Embrapa Amazônia Oriental and the University of Bristol. Support and funding for Synergize coordination were provided by The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Additional support was provided by the University of Bristol and partner networks, such as ForestPlot, ATDN and RAS Network.


We are always looking for additional collaborators, especially those who have biodiversity data from under-surveyed Amazonian regions and ecosystems. Please, email or a member of the Synergize Steering Committee if you are interested in joining us.